Carpet Cleaning

Carpet Cleaning Wellington

A multi stage process is used to achieve spectacular results. The products we use at Plush deliver consistent high quality results every time. It is the combination of quality, performance and sustainability. 

Pre Spray

Our technicians pre spray your carpets with a biodegradable cleaning solution that aids in the breakdown of soiling and stubborn stains.


A rotary carpet agitator is used to loosen deep down soiling not accessed by extraction cleaning alone. This method has been used successfully by leading international cleaning companies and is especially useful on heavily soiled carpets and upholstery. 

Hot Water Extraction

Hot Water Extraction ( HWE ) is a method of carpet cleaning. It involves a combination of hot water and cleaning agent being injected into the fibres of a carpet at high pressure and all lifted soil being removed by a powerful vacuum. The powerful extraction leaves the carpet clean and ready to walk on immediately. The carpet will dry depending on it’s length, the temperature of the room and airflow, in general 4-6 hours. 

Stain Treatment

Any remaining stains are treated again with the appropriate solutions for tea, coffee, red wine, fruit juices, pets, oil, grease, nail polish , spray tan ..even rust.


Especially useful for end of tenancy cleans, heavy smokers or if the family pet has pride of place in the corner of the living room. A deodoriser is applied to neutralise odours and give the carpet a fresh fragrance.

(04) 499 7474    (04) 568 5556 

0274 474746